Our mission is to encourage the body of Christ in California to believe again with hopeful expectation in God to answer prayer; to heal the sick, to bind up the broken hearted, to open the eyes of the blind and to set the captive free. (Luke 4:18). God is still in the business of doing what looks to be impossible.
Though California opposes the things of God on numerous fronts, we know that the principalities over certain regions in our great state must bow to the name of Jesus. Our mission is to change culture, county by county by uniting and organizing the body of Christ in California. We believe that nothing is impossible with God. We can effect change in California when we believe God is who He says He is, when we believe He will do what He says He will do and when we get our focus back on what is important to Him, which is to seek and save the lost. We must work together to build a wall of righteousness and unity throughout the state.
Our mission is to inspire God-fearing believers to run for political office in California. To win back our cities, counties, and state. We will win seats in the Senate, Assembly, and all other State elected offices, including the office of the Governor. Together, with God on our side, we can restore California to a God fearing and God honoring state.
Our Vision
To encourage the body of believers in the faith-based community to get informed and involved in the affairs of the State of California. To unite the Body of Christ in California to use their influence throughout their communities to spread the message of Redeem California. To broaden the Sunday Morning message in church services to include the agenda to destroy families, hijack the psyche of innocent children, removal of parental rights and many other such issues taking place in California. To remind believers that we are the salt of the earth. We must have a voice for what is right and true according to the Word of God.
Our Values
Faith in God
Unity of Believers
God’s Truth
Grace, Love for others
Family Values
Visit our prayer page and pray with us daily. Prayers are also downloadable for your convenience.