Bring Back Prayer to Schools

Contrary to popular belief, prayer is allowed in school. What is not allowed, is school sponsored or required prayer. Schools cannot direct students to pray, but children are allowed to pray at school voluntarily.

For us that means we have options.

I wonder what would happen if parents and Christian’s all over the state united together for a common cause to bring prayer groups back to the schools? I think most people believe that it is illegal, but it’s not. It is completely possible.

Would it help anything?

Would it change anything?

Would confusion decrease?

Would identify improve?

Would fear and depression improve?

Would more kids find a place to belong?

Would violence decrease?

Would children find hope?

What are your thoughts?  

How could you be part of the change?

What is possible with God on our side?


A Message to Pastors in California


On the Issue of…