On the Issue of…
There are MANY issues to discuss on this platform of Redeem California. I am sharing this today as an example of why and how we, as believers, should respond.
First and foremost, as Americans, our religious freedoms and parental freedoms should be protected as it is our constitutional right. When legislators begin to mandate ideologies that are contrary to our religious beliefs they infringe on our constitutional rights and civil liberties.
Second, we should all have a right to agree to disagree with out discrimination. As believers, we do not force people to agree with our religious ideologies, therefore we should not be forced to agree with ideologies that are contrary to the word of God. We can disagree without anger and judgment. However, they do not allow us to disagree without accusations of hatred, which is simply not the case. It is reverse discrimination in the highest order.
This issue wants to force Christians to follow rules and teach our kids to accept what we do not believe. We have religious protection for a reason. It needs to be protected without hatred and without division.
What we do not pray about, what we do not stand for, will over run us as it already has in many ways. All we are asking for is the same freedom to live what we believe without judgment and giving our families the freedom to do the same without laws that prevent us from our freedoms.
This is not a statement against LGBTQ+, this is a statement against laws that regulate the ideology forcing Christian’s to accept and teach what they do not believe to their children in public schools. Choice is a personal decision that does not belong in public education.
Let us not bring anger and division, but let us speak the truth in love to our community of believers and let’s do what we can to fight against unconstitutional laws and mandates.
#getinvolved #runforoffice #praypraypray